Trip Search program Channel 2 Tripper strange country (w 10-digit version Trip Introduction It is during development. Please do not worry about the menu or even unusable. No detailed explanation of how to use. When they use and understand. File readme +. txt file tripper +. exe program body search Installation Please tripper.exe + on something like a folder. Only disadvantage. Usage The normal search, you can find a trip that includes a string of two. If the search box and enter only one, containing a string Look for the trip. If the search box to enter both Search for a trip that includes both. The trip is eight letters, ABCDE FGHIJ and the secret to permanent and to specify the I do not know? In regular expressions, a trip that matches the specified regular expression To the search. If you wish to search more than one trip, and I use the expression. The regular expression ABCDE | FGHIJ Then, ABCDE or FGHIJ trip including the trip, including the search. Search time and the length of the string to search, computer ANATA It depends on the speed. 4 If you find a few minutes to about characters. 5 hours is more than the character should be prepared. 6 characters and take a few days I think. 7 and 8 letter characters is a good idea to specify. Regex You can use regular expressions are. ^ Matches the beginning. [] If used at the beginning of the negative $ Matches the end [] Character range. [A-Za-z] and [Aa]. [^ 0-9], except for numbers () Group. In general regular expression \ (\) | Select. (abc | def) will match abc or def \ 1 \ 9 backreference. But only eight characters from the 8 or 9使WAN . Matches any character * The previous character or group of 0 or more times ? Of the previous character or group zero or one times + Or group of characters more than the previous one 8 If you're looking for a trip along the same character characters, (.) \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 Please search. (n) or (m, n). Contact News Also download the latest information Go to. [EOF]